CoFo Cinema1909
  This headline is set in CoFo Cinema1909 by Contrast Foundry. Get it on Fontstand for only €3.25/month.

by Contrast Foundry
This headline is set in CoFo Cinema1909 by Contrast Foundry. Get it on Fontstand for only €3.25/month.

CoFo Cinema1909 is a display typeface inspired by Art Nouveau and Cyrillic Art Deco styles to create an imaginary cinematic universe where traditional and contemporary forms work in unison.

The typeface comes in a single style and is caps only. CoFo Cinema1909’s design is optimized for headline use. Compact serifs and terminals emphasize its linear rhythm.

Bowral–Mittagong 65 Daniel Foster View #82 rannsóknarréttur audaciousnesses

Gioacchino Cocchi 17 Mountain Lane 6 drogensüchtiger Casas de Cuadra

paleozoologists Fort Lauderdale dvanáctihodinovou Daniel Steibelt

The fonts mentioned in this article are available to rent by the month for a fraction of their retail price on Fontstand.