  This headline is set in Digno by DSType. Get it on Fontstand for only €3.00/month.

by DSType
This headline is set in Digno by DSType. Get it on Fontstand for only €3.00/month.

Digno is a low contrast typeface with a strong calligraphic accent. Based on expressive sketches, it keeps the subtle irregularities that enhance its dynamic and informality. The fonts are well suited for reading in both print and on screen.

Richard Leveridge 91 Chaussée Caroline Landry multiprocessors Villenave-d’Ornon

Gioacchino Cocchi 17 Mountain Lane 6 drogensüchtiger Casas de Cuadra

saltvandsområde illiberalnesses Frederick Converse Gräfenhainichen

The fonts mentioned in this article are available to rent by the month for a fraction of their retail price on Fontstand.