Field Gothic
  This headline is set in Field Gothic by Signal Type Foundry. Get it on Fontstand for only €4.50/month.

by Signal Type Foundry
This headline is set in Field Gothic by Signal Type Foundry. Get it on Fontstand for only €4.50/month.

Field Gothic is an eight-weight, eight-width typeface family that originated as a version of the Pressio typeface with conventional rounded counters, a crisp look, slightly superelliptical curves, extra large x-height, and some neat alternate forms. The arches and bowls have sharply contrasting junctures and a notably snug fit.

Available in a total of 64 styles.

saltvandsområde bindungsordnung Richard Hofmann Georgsmarienhütte

Puerta de València A-25 dolomitizations Neunburg vorm Wald technologickému

630 Carter Bend idiomatiquement Castellar-Oliveral saltvandsområde

Bouches-du-Rhône nepremišljenost Jules Mazellier 3 Margaret Hall Drive No. 77

nouvelle-france Jean-Michel Damase Asnières-sur-Seine Plaza de Nicaragua

Clermont-Ferrand technologickému H. Leslie Adams 4 Place Bethune

The fonts mentioned in this article are available to rent by the month for a fraction of their retail price on Fontstand.