Pratico UI & Pratico Slab UI
  This headline is set in Pratico Slab UI by DSType. Get it on Fontstand for only €15.00/month.

by DSType
This headline is set in Pratico Slab UI by DSType. Get it on Fontstand for only €15.00/month.

Pratico UI and Pratico Slab UI are two new fonts especially fit for user interfaces, only available as Variable Fonts. Each allows continuous variation along the weight and the italic axis. Both are equipped with eight pre-built instances and matching italics.

Pratico UI & Pratico Slab UI design unifies the clinical flavour of the mid-twentieth century European fonts and the strength and personality of the early twentieth century American fonts.

836 Campbell Haven A-69 saltvandsområde inamoviblemente Luigi Cherubini

Gioacchino Cocchi 17 Mountain Lane 6 drogensüchtiger Casas de Cuadra

nepremišljenost differenzierbar Giovanni Paisiello Höhr-Grenzhausen

833 Windy Rove intangiblemente Erlenbach am Main technologickému

Pratico UI Variable

Nizhny Novgorod rannsóknarréttur Giovanni Pacini Calleja de Maiol

Andrea Bernasconi 119 Watson Drive posicionamiento Freiberg am Neckar

Giuseppe de Majo Horngasse 64 photodissociate Khartoum-Omdurman

technologickému Karol Kurpiński Ackerstraße 74 identifizierbar

Pratico Slab UI Variable

The fonts mentioned in this article are available to rent by the month for a fraction of their retail price on Fontstand.