  This headline is set in Rund Display by Letters from Sweden. Get it on Fontstand for only €7.50/month.

by Letters from Sweden
This headline is set in Rund Display by Letters from Sweden. Get it on Fontstand for only €7.50/month.

Rund Text and Rund Display is a geometric sans built on traditional, friendly and functional foundations, but its curved strokes have concave terminal shapes, as if they were cut off by a large circle, adding warmth and personality.

Urdiales Castro Avenida de Girona 99 rannsóknarréttur toastmistresses

Sigismund Neukomm Nizhny Novgorod 733 Forest Flats B-29 saltvandsområde

Rund Display

143 Lisa Hughes Hollow 32 skeiðarársandur repetitivamente Gustav Geierhaas

Villiers-le-Bel technologickému Adolph Carl Kunzen 27 Quai Cédric Le Sueur

833 Windy Rove intangiblemente Erlenbach am Main technologickému

skeiðarársandur surrégénérateur Jean-Noël Hamal College Station

rannsóknarréttur proverbialmente Adalbert Gyrowetz Meurthe-et-Moselle

Passatge de la IIndústria 71 nepremišljenost scolastiquement Frederick Jacobi

Rund Text

The fonts mentioned in this article are available to rent by the month for a fraction of their retail price on Fontstand.