Divenire Mono 12 styles
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Divenire is a sanserif display face with an organic quality and a strong personality. Its letterforms are squarish, irregular and discontinuous. With horizontal terminations and angular junctures, variations of stem widths, alternating curved and straight strokes, Divenire demonstrates that a lack of uniformity can – perhaps surprisingly – produce consistent results. And this is why it also performs well for setting texts. Originally designed in collaboration with the FF3300 design studio for the brand identity of the Partito Democratico Italiano, Divenire has a complete set of expressive punctuation (a wink at Hervé Bazin…). Another very unusual feature are the 28 different ampersands. With its 1264 glyphs and 7 styles with matching italics, Divenire now includes the new family Divenire Mono. This newcomer has the same amount of glyphs and styles plus their variable fonts. Divenire Mono is a low-contrast monospaced sans with a humanistic imprint suitable for programming, typesetting and printing. Despite its modular spacing, it remains true to Divenire’s main features: besides low contrast, these include vertical strokes with slanted terminations (i, j, q, u, l), some variation of axis (in letters g, o, d, c), and rather organic, asymmetrical and tendentially square letterforms.
Foundry CAST
Designers Luciano Perondi
More Info c-a-s-t.com

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