Gratimo Classic 12 styles
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Complete €28/month Desktop & Web (excl. VAT)
Gratimo Classic is a powerful workhorse in the Geometric Suite that combines elementary shapes and precise construction. An utilitarian family purpose-built for everyday use. Where Grato Classic revels in pure geometry, Gratimo Classic has a practical focus. With a robust x-height, open apertures and generous spacing, its more restrained forms were the result of Grato being redrawn for reading. The result is a space saving typeface that draws on the humanist geometric types of Johnston and Gill to make something new. An allrounder specialising in smaller reading sizes and lower resolutions, Gratimo Classic is suitable for user interfaces and longform writing. With a compact texture, it is efficient, robust and ready to work at any size. This sans is a long-lasting companion for brands that value diversity in language and clear screen performance. For serious typography, Gratimo comes equipped with six weights, from Thin to sturdy Black. For greater distinction, its matching italics have some cursive character shapes, but give an oblique impression overall. For the micro-typographic demands of body copy, Gratimo’s default characters ensure maximum legibility, but Gratimo is adaptable. A range of stylistic alternates can give a different accent to text: a more distinctive ‘g’ that evokes Johnston and others that bring out Gratimo’s geometry. Gratimo has what you need to organise data into information. Subscripts, fractions plus oldstyle and lining figures, each in proportional and tabular widths; a complete range of figure sets. Carefully engineered, Gratimo is a long-lasting companion for those who value diverse language support and strong screen performance. Including Vietnamese, Gratimo supports more than 270 languages across the Greek, Cyrillic and Latin alphabets and its glyphs has been carefully reviewed by skilled consultants. For best on-screen performance, all TrueType files for web and desktop have been improved with manual hinting. The Classic is available in two optical sizes. For larger sizes and purer geometry, Grato Classic is tuned for branding and identity design.
Foundry TypeMates
Designers Jakob Runge , Mona Franz , Ilya Ruderman , Yury Ostromentsky , Irene Vlachou , Donny Truong , Christoph Koeberlin , Igino Marini
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