JAF Peacock 1 style
Just Another Foundry
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JAF Peacock is a display family inspired by the flair typefaces of the 1970s. It contains more than 1,200 glyphs, and offers the designer a complete toolbox of contex­tual and styl­istic altern­ates as well as exten­ded language support. JAF Peacock was produced in a collab­or­a­tion between Brian Jara­millo and Tim Ahrens. Jara­millo completed most of the glyphs in Illus­trat­or, and contac­ted Ahrens for refin­ing the typeface and setting up the Open­Type features. More on JAF Peacock
Foundry Just Another Foundry
Designers Brian Jaramillo , Tim Ahrens
More Info justanotherfoundry.com

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