Lyon Arabic Slanted Display 5 styles
Commercial Type
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Rent Single Style €9.50/month
Complete €39.50/month Desktop & Web (excl. VAT)
Khajag Apelian and Wael Morcos designed Lyon Arabic to be a companion to Kai Bernau’s original design released in 2009, one of the first and most enduring releases in Commercial Type’s library. The typeface translates the Naskh script characteristics to a typographic context, making it ideal for books and editorial design. Like the Latin, the design of the Arabic maintains simplified constructions and embraces straight-forward detailing with a visible digital touch, making for a crisp texture and a robust appearance. The Display also includes a set of swashes inspired by both Naskh and Nastaliq characteristics.
Foundry Commercial Type
Designers Kai Bernau , Waël Morcos , Khajag Apelian
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