Marr Sans Condensed 12 styles
Commercial Type
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Rent Single Style €7.75/month
Complete €47.75/month Desktop & Web (excl. VAT)
Condensed typefaces, amongst them the sans form, developed in the early 19th century as a way to increase the scale and volume of type in advertising. While creating Marr Sans Condensed was a logical step to develop, few models existed with a lower case and with round as opposed to flat sides in the 1870s in Britain. This proved to be an interesting challenge for Croatian type designer Hrvoje Živčić, who had to imagine many of the forms. The result is a condensed sans in six weights that retains the roundness of the original with its warm personality, suited to many applications both in print and on screen.
Foundry Commercial Type
Designers Paul Barnes , Hrvoje Živčić
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Participating Type Foundries