Novina 12 styles
Superior Type
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Complete €22.50/month Desktop & Web (excl. VAT)
Novina is a modern serif typeface with low contrast and a wide range of 12 styles. Unlike other ‚humanist‘ fonts, it is using certain asymmetric rhythm in many details. Serifs are a little bit sliced off, but not to the extent of creating slabs. Some glyphs are balancing on mentioned low contrast with a trimmed leg (R, K), others are featuring a straight-lined terminal (a, c) or even left with a gap in a stroke (P, Q). Italics are narrower than regular weights and with a different, almost calligraphic feeling. Available OpenType features such as small capitals and old-style figures allow for setting up hierarchy on any front page. It is also a perfect match for many types of texts: from daily newspapers to youth culture magazines. Larger sizes and italics make this font a good choice even for expressive posters. Novina is also available as Novina Condensed.
Foundry Superior Type
Designers Vojtěch Říha
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