PS Fournier Std Grand 6 styles
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PS Fournier, created by Stéphane Elbaz, is designed in tribute to Pierre Simon Fournier. Fournier (1712—1768) was the prolific Parisian type designer of the most iconic incarnation of what today would be called the French transitional style. PS Fournier successfully represents the transition to the modern era of typography. Featuring three optical sizes, PS Fournier is designed to perform in any context. Pierre Simon Fournier was a leading innovative type designer of the mid-18th century. Early in his career, the young Pierre Simon developed a strong aesthetic that he developed throughout his life. His art is representative of the pre-revolutionary ‘Age of Enlightnment’ (Siècle des Lumières). Precursor of the Modern style, Fournier’s body of work deeply influenced his times, and created the fertile ground from which the Didot family and Giambattista Bodoni developed their own styles. The PS Fournier standard family is designed to adapt to any situation with its intermediate optical size, from body copy to headlines. With a bit of tracking, PS Fournier Petit will make the smallest captions perfectly readable. However, Petit family is not limited to body and captions-- its “slaby robustness” will make a relevant headline choice as well. PS Fournier Grand presents a higher contrast adapted to large text sizes, displays or banners. Its refined elegance makes it a perfect choice for Design, Fashion or Luxury publications. As a modern type PS Fournier Grand features a larger x-height than the preexistent old style typefaces such as Garamond or Jenson. These proportions provide any basic text set in PS Fournier Grand a strong typographic texture.
Foundry Typofonderie
Designers Stéphane Elbaz
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