Unicore 18 styles
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Unicore is a large family of geometric sans serif fonts. Design wise, it is inspired by classic 20th-century typefaces like Futura, Gill Sans, and Avenir. It fuses their aura with contemporary elements, like a unique harmonization of width and height. You can see this in the lowercase letters especially and it helps support the fonts’ legibility. The regular weights in the family are optimized for body text. The Unicore typeface ships in two different formats. Depending on your preference, you can install the typeface as two Variable Fonts or use the family’s 18 static OpenType font files instead. Those weights run from Thin to Black. While the static-format fonts offer a good intermediary-step selection, users who install the two Variable Fonts have vastly greater control over the upright and italic text’s stroke width. The weight axis in Unicore’s Variable Fonts allows users to differentiate between almost 1,000 possible font weights. That enables you to fine-tune your text’s exact appearance on-screen or in print. The fonts are also equipped with several OpenType features, which even include futuristic-looking Stylistic Sets for an alternative look in display settings. Unicore is an excellent choice for both corporate design and editorial design projects because of its range of weights as well as its legibility in text. Stylistic Set 1 swaps in new versions of the “a”, “c”, “f”, “s”, “z”, “C”, “M”, and “S”. Stylistic Set 2 has alternates for even more letters; these variants are even more geometric than Unicore’s default style. Stylistic Set 4 has wide versions for several caps, while Stylistic Set 5 includes a “Q” with a long tail and a crazy “R”.
Foundry Halbfett
Designers Deni Anggara
More Info fontstore.com

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