29LT Azahar Text and Display
  This headline is set in 29LT Azahar Display LC by 29Letters. Get it on Fontstand for only €5.00/month.

This headline is set in 29LT Azahar Display LC by 29Letters. Get it on Fontstand for only €5.00/month.

29LT Azahar Text and Display are a reader-friendly but graceful family, with the text version interpreting medium-contrast transitional letterforms, and the display part using high-contrast didones as inspiration.

Each available in 10 styles, with Latin and Cyrillic support.

Le Blanc-Mesnil připomínajících hyperfastidious Tommaso Traetta

698 Branch Path fremdsprachlich Kalgoorlie-Boulder veröffentlichung

glimmerschiefer Noah Creshevsky Fontenay-sous-Bois 84 Boulevard Landry

rannsóknarréttur charlatanamente Elizabeth Anspach Khartoum-Omdurman

83 Avenue Robin Bocuse veröffentlichung departmentalize Adalbert Gyrowetz

29LT Azahar Text

Carrer del Bruc 80 inasumiblemente Sterling Heights nepremišljenost

Tolbaños de Arriba technologickému Margarethe Danzi Braunstraße 37

29LT Azahar Display

The fonts mentioned in this article are available to rent by the month for a fraction of their retail price on Fontstand.