  This headline is set in Freitag Display by Zetafonts. Get it on Fontstand for only €3.50/month.

We are pleased to welcome Zetafonts from Florence, Italy, with their collection of over 60 typeface families to Fontstand.
This headline is set in Freitag Display by Zetafonts. Get it on Fontstand for only €3.50/month.

Photo by Lorenzo Ferrone

Zetafonts is an independent type foundry based in the heart of Florence, Italy, founded in 2001 by Francesco Canovaro, Debora Manetti, and Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini. Their portfolio of retail typefaces consists of many text and display families, but they have also worked with a variety of brands on custom typeface projects and brand identities.

The Zetafonts collection includes such typefaces as the high-contrast, crisp display face Blacker Pro, the Art Nouveau-inspired Arsenica, the expressive Freitag inspired by the bohemian seventies, and the sensual and elegant Erotique display face.

Zetafonts also actively promotes typographic culture through lectures and courses and is currently involved in projects such as TypeCampus.

Plaça Natalia Ferreira C-21 technologickému registrierkasse Saverio Mercadante

Fontenay-aux-Roses technologickému Karl von Ordóñez Dorotheerring 7

Baixada Santista Via d’Ausiàs Marc 11 saltvandsområde verhältnismäßig

Antonio Sacchini Colorado Springs Jakob-Baumann-Allee 43 rannsóknarréttur

rannsóknarréttur Anton Zimmermann Passeig Demetrio Llanos 24 ejemplificación

Blacker Pro Display

Gaetano Donizetti Mantes-la-Jolie 16 Porte des Bourdonnais dvanáctihodinovou

veröffentlichung František Jiránek 473 Thomas Bell Manor No. 25 barotraumatisme

Castro Urdiales Avenida de Girona 99 rannsóknarréttur toastmistresses

Jean-Noël Hamal Quintana del Monte 214 Branch Street skeiðarársandur

proverbialmente Lauda-Königshofen dvanáctihodinovou Josef Triebensee


Filippo Gragnani Jardins Delapaz F/83 unprepossessing Puebla–Tlaxcala

Russell Alexander 319 Brown Farms No. 75 hyperexcretions College Station

Rueil-Malmaison veröffentlichung Anton Schweitzer 61 Parc Guillaume Vayssière

Kalgoorlie-Boulder rannsóknarréttur Elizabeth Anspach 266 Ross Pkwy

Baixada Santista Via d’Ausiàs Marc 11 saltvandsområde verhältnismäßig

Freitag and Freitag Display

Khartoum-Omdurman 34 Quai de Vincennes dvanáctihodinovou sensacionalista

Alhaurin el Grande 47 Colonial View rannsóknarréttur unvorhergesehen

Marie-Heinrich-Gasse 15 rannsóknarréttur discriminatoire Roger Craig Vogel

31 Cours d’Astorg saltvandsområde stinklangweilig Quirino Gasparini


The fonts mentioned in this article are available to rent by the month for a fraction of their retail price on Fontstand.